Monday, April 16, 2007


Fat Loss Lie #2: You need supplements to lose fat.

It's a common misconception that you can't reach your fat loss goals unless you take some kind of "fat burning" supplement.

It's also a common misconception that you can simply pop a pill and get dramatic fat loss results like you see on TV and in the magazine advertisements.

Neither is true. There is NO legal, natural, over-the-counter "fat burning" pill, drink or powder that has ever been proven to burn off body fat and keep it off over the long term.

Any transformation you may have seen in before and after photos in a diet pill advertisement was more than likely achieved from hard training and proper diet, not from any pill. (not to mention the results you see in the ads are almost always "not typical")

Any pill which might have some type of benefit (such as suppressing your appetite), is only a quick fix at best because it is only treating symptoms.

Body fat is a symptom of poor lifestyle choices, poor nutrition and not burning enough calories. Any approach to fat loss that only treats a symptom and does not address all these causes, cannot work in the long run and you will be wasting your time and money.

The good news is, you do not need pills or supplements when you know exactly what foods to eat to burn fat and how to exercise properly.

Nutrition, cardio, weight training and the right approach to motivation (so you can stick with the program), are the only things you need to get rid of fat forever.

I call these the "BIG FOUR," and teaching people to focus on these four fundamentals and to avoid quick fixes has been my life's work. I've helped tens of thousands of men and women get to get rid of fat forever, while saving them as much as $300-$400 a month on pills they never needed in the first place.

I have never taken steroids and I use no "fat burning" pills whatsoever. I do it naturally with proper nutrition and training, and you can too.

This isn't just talk. As a natural bodybuilder, I routinely reach 4% body fat for competitions and maintain my body fat at around 9% all year using my own techniques.

You may have no desire to be a bodybuilder or to reach low single digit body fat, (although if you want to get "ripped" to the point of having "six pack abs", you can). Regardless of your goals, the same four fundamentals always apply to everyone.

I'd like you to consider a basic principle that could revolutionize the way you look at this whole fat loss thing (and you could also apply it to other areas of your life).

The Pareto Principle, also known as the 80-20 rule, says that the majority of your results will come from 20% of your actions. Stated differently, you have to focus on the vital few (the 20%)and not worry so much about the trivial many (the 80%).

It's been my observation and conclusion, based on more than 17 years of experience as a professional trainer, fat loss coach and natural bodybuilder, that when it comes to body transformation goals, the 80-20 rule is more like the 97-3 rule.

Virtually all your results will come from the vital few:

* Good training (cardio and weights)
* Good nutrition (from whole, natural foods), and
* Good mental attitude

Ironically, virtually everyone trying to loseweight is focusing on the many trivial things that don't matter, while avoiding the hard work and discipline it really takes to get a great body.

The effects of supplements are trivial at best and cannot ever give you anything more than a small "slight edge" in results or performance - even if they are scientifically supported (and most are not!)

If your're a beginner and your nutrition and training are not already in place, then you should not even be considering fat loss supplements.

It may seem counter-intuitive to you, but advanced trainees and athletes will benefit more from going after that last few percent extra edge than beginners, because they are already eating right, training hard and have tremendous discipline and motivation.

The better the shape you're in and the closer you get to your genetic potential for leanness, muscularity and performance, the more the little things like supplements might make a difference.

Now contrast that with the average beginner or intermediate (and think about whether this applies to you):

They're still eating junk food often or skipping meals. They're not working out at all or only inconsistently. And the very first thing they do when they go on a fat loss program is to run out searching for a "shortcut" in the form of a pill or powder.

The next time you see an ad for a "fat burner" or if someone tries to convince you that "fat burning" supplements are essential and that you can't lose fat without them, ask yourself whether you are focusing your energy on the important, result-producing "vital few" or wasting your time and money on the "trivial many."

Click HERE to learn more about Burn The Fat.

Best Regards,

Tom Venuto


"Tom, thank you for telling the truth about cardio, bodybuilding and nutrition. Knowing that you aren't pushing the latest, greatest lose-weight-fast-for-only-$30.00-a-bottle scam, does wonders for your credibility, which I believe is already very high!"

- Melanie Haight

"Thank you so much for your honest, no bull fitness information. I really feel I can trust you."

- Linda Nash

"I just read your last article and I agree very much with you on this - fat loss does not come from a bottle. It's nice to know that there are a few scrupulous people still around. (I hear Dr. Phil even has his own line of "diet bars") lol! Keep up the good work, Tom."

- Janeen L.


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