Part 1 - An Exclusive Interview With Fat Loss Expert Tom Venuto By Tom Nicoli
Skyrocket Your Fat Loss Success!
Tom Nicoli: Hello, everyone. This is Tom Nicoli of and The information have gathered, through the variety of experts in all areas of personal success is simply the best, and today is yet another example. We all know in order to achieve personal success, it takes more than effort and time. The journey to personal success requires physical fitness and health, and today that’s what we’ll be talking about.
My guest goday is Tom Venuto of, one of the world’s leading experts on burning body fat. Tom is a natural bodybuilder, personal trainer, nutritiionist, best selling author, and success coach. I guarantee you that what Tom will tell you today is going to surprise you, because I know I was amazed when I first learned what he had to say.
Be sure to get ready to take notes, because what Tom will share is unique information you won’t hear from many experts in the weight loss and fitness industry. So first lwt me say, welcome, Tom, and thank you so much for taking this time and for sharing what I know is incredibly important for anyone listening who wants to skyrocket their own personal success.
Tom Venuto: Thanks for having me on the call, Tom.
Tom Nicoli: Now, Tom, the first thing I’d like to ask, before we begin, is to please share a bit of your background and what you do in the area of physical fitness and trainng.
Tom Venuto: Sure, be glad to. I’ve been involved in the health and fitness field my entire life. I started working out when I was 14, and I started training other people by the time I was 20. When I went to college, I earned a degree in Exercise Science. I then got certified by the top exercise organizations in the world, the American College of Sports Medicine and the National Strength and Conditioning Association, and then I immediately went to work as a personal trainer for various health clubs. Later I got involved more in the business aspect of health clubs – owning and managing them.
More recently, I’ve become an Internet pubisher, and that has allowed me to reach people all over the world through my websites, my newsletters, and my e-books. In 2003, I launched a web-based program called Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle at, which is the world’s most effective fat loss system. There are now Burn The Fat users in 125 countries, so the Internet has been an incredible tool for spreading the word. It has let me reach a much, much larger number of people than just working one-on-one in the health clubs.
Tom Nicoli: You just mentioned that not only have you become successful in the area of physical fitness but also as a business owner and in the Internet. Tell us how necessary or important do you feel that the physical fitness aspect has helped you in the other areas of becoming successful?
Tom Venuto: It’s vitally important. I don’t think you can say you’re completely successful unless you’re successful in all the areas of your life, including your health.
Success means different things to different people, but surely it means balance. If you’re financially successful but you don’t have your health, then I don’t think you’re really successful. Or if you have your health and you’re struggling to pay the bills and you don’t have good relationships, I don’t think you’re successful. When you have it all; when you’re physicall fit, and you have your health and you have energy, when you have financial success, relationship success, success in your spiritual life, than everything in your life just woks, better. It all comes together and falls into place.
Train hard and expect success,
Tom Venuto
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