Wednesday, May 16, 2007


Fat Loss Lie #10

:: You can drop 30 pounds of fat in 30 days ::

You see ads like these all the time, and they sure are enticing, aren't they? They play on our emotionsand our desires for instant gratification.

But is it really possible? Can you really dropPounds that quickly?

The answer is YES. It's quite possible to lose 30 pounds in 30 days or 10 pounds over the weekend. But that's the wrong question; the question YOU should ask is,

"How can I burn 30 pounds of FAT healthfully and keep it off permanently?"

Don't confuse WEIGHT loss with FAT loss!

Your body is 70% water, so it's easy to drop pounds quickly. Any diet that dehydrates you will register quick, dramatic loss on the scale.

Want to cut 10 pounds over the weekend? That's easy; Just stop drinking water. Of course that would be pretty dumb and pretty dangerous too, but that's what you're doing when you lose too fast (you're simply dehydrating yourself - or worse - you're losing lean body mass too!)

The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), one of the largest and most respected health, medical and exercise organizations in the world, has set guidelines for healthy rates of weight loss.

In their position statement on "Proper and improper weight loss programs," the ACSM recommends losing at a rate of no more than two pounds per week.

This two pounds per week guideline has become recognized as the standard rate for safe weight (fat) loss.

Time after time I see people get impatient and they attempt to violate this rule, only to chew up muscle, slow their metabolisms and eventually gain all the fat back...and then some!

You can take off 30 pounds of weight in 30 days, but you'll NEVER take off 30 pounds of fat in 30 days;nature just didn't intend it to be that way.

There are virtually no limits to what you can achieve in the long run. However, you must be patient; there are definite limits to how quickly you can safely achieve fat loss.

When you get yourself on a good, solid, no-gimmick program like Burn The fat, you will absolutely astonish yourself at how much you can achieve in 3 months, 6 months, 12 months.

Yes, it takes time.

But if you don't start now, then when? Look at it this way, ifyou think it's going to take too long to do it the safehealthy, natural way, then just remember... the time isgoing to pass anyway. When 3, 6, 12 months rolls aroundwhere will you be?

And if you lose it too fast and end up gaining it all backin 6-12 months time, then where did that really get you?

I cannot and will not promise you miracles, but Ican promise you that 8-12 weeks from now, you can seemajor progress and 6 -12 months from now, you couldlook and feel like an entirely different human being...never to go back to your old self.

If you're not on the Burn The Fat program yet, then I invite you to join the thousands of men and women in over 135 countries and come on board with me today by visiting:

Train hard and expect success,

Tom Venuto


"Dear Tom: Let me just add my testimonial to your method along with the thousands of satisfied clients on your program. If followed with diligence there is NO WAY it won't work.

Also, now that I was monitoring my food intake for the right balance, I realised that the expensive supplementation I was doing was unnecessary. I now only take them when my work day is so hectic that I do not have the time for cooking "regular" food.

Your e-book is the-natural-way, and that's what appealed to me. Also, the principle of hard work, coupled with PATIENCE, is what pays off - and you do not make empty promises of overnight success.

I am hooked on weight training for life, though I still wouldn't call myself a "bodybuilder" - I admit, there's that stigma, and I'm a woman.

Finally, there is one very important aspect in which your book stands out amongst those I've read. You do NOT use a general one-size-fits-all approach, taking into account that no two bodies respond the same way - your definition and advice on different body types provide me with invaluable insight."

-Colleen Van Rooyen


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