Wednesday, April 18, 2007


Fat Loss Lie #3:

::: You can believe everything you read in the magazines :::

In general, you tend to trust what you see printed in the magazines,just as you tend to trust the information you hear on the evening news and read in the daily newspapers.

Why? Because the news media and most magazines have mega-credibility.Most people automatically assume - consciously and unconsciously - that if it's in print or on the news, then it must be true.

However, the fitness and bodybuilding publishing industry havesome dirty little secrets...

Just as much of the news we hear is "planted," much of the fitnessand nutrition information we read in our favorite magazines is alsoplanted and heavily biased.

Publishers realize that the vast majority of readers will believe almost anything if it's printed in a nationally-circulated magazine. As a result they created...

"The magazine / supplement company business model."

Today, most fitness magazine publishers not only depend on supplement company advertising revenue to stay in business, they actually OWN the supplement companies and use their magazines as the primary channel for promoting their products.

It didn't take long before the entire bodybuilding and fitness magazineindustry realized that more moolah could be made selling supplements than selling advertising or subscriptions.

Here's another dirty little Secret they don't want you to know about:

Most people cannot sort out where the editorial ends and the advertising begins.... and that is by design.

Editorials are more believable than advertising (that's why they try to make supplement ads look so much like articles these days).

Did you ever notice how many magazine articles are about the latest, greatest "breakthroughs" in supplements? These "articles" aren't really articles at all; they're nothing more than advertisements in disguise... with an 800 number for easy ordering at the end... (how convenient.)

Even if a magazine doesn't have a vested interest in a supplement line, you still can't count on them to reveal the whole truth to you. A full page ad in a high circulation national fitness magazinecan cost tens of thousands of dollars, so the publishers don't wantto write editorials that will upset, offend or contradict the advertisers

It's clearly in the magazine's best interest to promote supplements like crazy, and stay in bed with the supplement companies, regardless of whether the products work or not, because the more supplements that are sold, the more the supplement companies will advertise. The more they advertise, the more the supplements sell, and on and on the cycle goes.

It may seem blatantly obvious to you that magazines are "pushing" supplements, or you may have simply suspected it.

However, you would be stunned at how many people - especially beginners - believe every word they read in the "muscle mags" and buy hundreds or thousands of dollars worth of useless "muscle-building" or "fat burning" pills, powders and drinksas a result.

Many people ask me why I became an online publisher rather thanstarting my own printed magazine.

By publishing websites, newsletters and e-books online, I am not handcuffed by the censorship and hidden agendas of the fitness magazine industry.

I do not sell supplements and I do not accept moneyto endorse them, so I'm not at the mercy of the "magazine / supplement company"business model and I can call it like I see it and tell you the way it really is.

In the next installment of BIG FAT LIES you'll learn more aboutthis subject when I reveal the truth about protein shakes, powders, dietDrinks, and meal replacement products (MRP's)... Do they really help you burn fat?

Click HERE for more detail on Burn The Fat

Train hard and expect success,

Tom Venuto, NSCA-CPT, CSCS

Burn The Fat Reader Mail & Feedback...

"I always had this wish when I looked thru Flex and Muscle &Fitness magazine that one of the real experts would put it all out there, lay it on the line, share with us "wannabe's" the complete process it takes to get from bulky to ripped.

Then by accident, I found your Burn the fat book - and my wish had come true!Never before have I ever read anything that comes close to the Burn The Fat manual. Ifeel that I finally have the tools and the knowledge that I need to become my personal best.

This book is by far the bestInvestment I've made, it beats all the others hands down. I'm looking forward to reaching goal after goal after goal. Thank you again and again."

- Denise Boyce

"Tom, I just wanted to thank you for putting out such well-informed advice. I am a Licensed Certified Nutritionist and have been involved for some time in the bodybuilding and sports nutrition industry.

I have just finished reading through your website and I can't tell you how refreshing it is to see someone who actually knows what they are talking about giving good solid information.

So many people believe the advertisement-based articles as the end-all-be-all of information or the reckless half-informed advice givers as "the authorities" that it makes it difficult to educate people and to create a healthy way of living.

I am glad that you are able to reach so many people through your newsletters and your Burn The Fat ebook. Thank you again."

-Jill Dollaske, CN


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