Fat Loss Lie #5:
:: Thermogenics and "fat burners" (including ephedrine and caffeine) are effective for long term fat loss ::
For the past 15 years or so, "thermogenic" fat burning pills made with ephedra and other herbal stimulants were the hottest weightLoss craze in history.
Even though they have since been outlwaed and pulled off the market, new "thermogenic" products and "fat burning" pills havequickly taken their place.
Hundreds of millions of dollars are spent on these products every year and they are pushed so hard in the magazines that it almost makes you think you have to take them to get results.
Here are just a few actual advertising claims, taken word for word,from advertisements seen in well-known magazines:
"Proven to increase fat loss 1700%."
"Burn up to 613% more fat!"
"34 times more fat lost than control group."
"5 times more fat loss than exercise anddiet alone."
Many people accept these claims at face value, but if you wereto examine them closely, you would find that "apples" are being compared to "oranges" and statistics are being taken out of context...
Did you know there's an infamous book called, "How to Lie With Statistics," written on this very topic? If you don't believe me, go to Amazon.com and see for yourself.
As Mark Twain said, "There are lies, damned lies, and statistics."
If any supplement really did burn 1700% more body fat, think aboutthe impact that would have on the obesity situation today: There wouldn't be any overweight people left, right? But with more dietsand diet supplements available than ever before in history, thereare now more overweight people than ever before in history. How do you explain this paradox?
Here is the truth behind "the diet pill lie"...
some thermogenic supplements have science behind them - theycan work to some degree... however, none of them can work miracles.
Furthermore, since the ingredients ephedrine and caffeine are strong central nervous system stimulants, they also have many potential side effects and down sides.
"Jacking yourself up" on stimulants is NOT the healthy and natural (or permanent) way to fat loss.
Use caution if you use thermogenic products at all and never use them if you're sensitive to stimulants and/or have a history of heart disease, high blood pressure, thyroid disorders or any other medical problems. If you're not sure if ephedra or stimulant based products are safe for you, check with your doctor first.
What about non-simulant fat burners and "no-ephedra" formulas?Some of this new crop of dietpills that emerged after the ephedraban claim to "burn fat" by affecting insulin, thyroid or appetite.
Sounds good in theory, but so far, there's very little evidence that any of them are effective. Lots of hype, very little science.
Taking pills to lose weight is short term thinking. If there are benefits, they are minimal and they don't last. You can't fix a problem like body fat by temporarily treating symptoms, you have to address the causes of the problem: poor nutrition and lack of exercise.
There is a better, healthier way, and my recommendations come from experience.
Years ago, as a novice bodybuilder, I used ephedrine and ephedra products and noticed a very strong stimulant effect which "boosted" my workout energy.
However, that was not real energy... it was "borrowed energy" andthere was always a crash afterwards. What's borrowed must be paid back...what goes up must come down.
I also always believed that even thermogenic supplements with scientificsupport (such as the ephedrine, caffeine combination) were overrated as fat burners and underrated as stimulants.
This is probably why so many people got hooked on the stuff, and still search high and low to find it to this day, even after it has been "outlawed."
There's an interesting and ironic end to the story: Today, I STILL reach 4% body fat every time I compete - with no thermogenic or "fat burning" supplements whatsoever - just the right nutrition and training
I hear the same thing over and over again from my clients on theBurn The Fat program. They lose more fat than ever, often eating morethan they did before, while saving hundreds of dollars a month onpills they never needed in the first place.
By the way, did you know that proper food choices and foodcombinations are a better appetite suppressant than any drugor pill - without the side effects?
For example, lean proteins are not only highly thermogenic foods,(raising metabolic rate after a meal, during digestion), studieshave also proven that they are effective at blunting appetite.
By eating a serving of lean protein such as chicken, turkey, egg whites, tuna or lean red meat with every meal, at frequent intervals throughoutthe day, you stimulate your metabolism while decreasing hunger at the same time.
That's it for today...
In the next installment, you'll learn about two diseases that youmight be affected with and not even know it... they are deadlyto your fat loss progress and you have probably never even heard of them before!
To learn even more about natural ways to increase your metabolism and get rid of fat without pills or supplements, visit the Burn The Fat website: burnthefat.com
Train hard and expect success,
Tom Venuto
Burn The Fat Reader Mail & Feedback
"Tom, I have found the various articles both on the web and in print form to be mind-boggling, especially for a beginner like myself.
There is such a push on the supplements that they almost make it sound like goals and results cannot be achieved unless you indulge yourself in their products.
I just wanted to say Thank You for offering such a website. I have been searching a long time for such advice as that which you present here - advice that is DRUG-FREE. The natural way."
- Dave Goodrich
"Tom, Thanks for this info - it is very realistic without a lot of "hype? like, 'use my supplements they're the best'or 'use XYZ fat burner and get abs in 28 days! You're giving people a lot of information that I believe to be true and result producing."
- Larry Chmiel
"Tom, Thank you for creating an informational web site that is not trying to sell me a supplement"
-Aaron Van
:: Thermogenics and "fat burners" (including ephedrine and caffeine) are effective for long term fat loss ::
For the past 15 years or so, "thermogenic" fat burning pills made with ephedra and other herbal stimulants were the hottest weightLoss craze in history.
Even though they have since been outlwaed and pulled off the market, new "thermogenic" products and "fat burning" pills havequickly taken their place.
Hundreds of millions of dollars are spent on these products every year and they are pushed so hard in the magazines that it almost makes you think you have to take them to get results.
Here are just a few actual advertising claims, taken word for word,from advertisements seen in well-known magazines:
"Proven to increase fat loss 1700%."
"Burn up to 613% more fat!"
"34 times more fat lost than control group."
"5 times more fat loss than exercise anddiet alone."
Many people accept these claims at face value, but if you wereto examine them closely, you would find that "apples" are being compared to "oranges" and statistics are being taken out of context...
Did you know there's an infamous book called, "How to Lie With Statistics," written on this very topic? If you don't believe me, go to Amazon.com and see for yourself.
As Mark Twain said, "There are lies, damned lies, and statistics."
If any supplement really did burn 1700% more body fat, think aboutthe impact that would have on the obesity situation today: There wouldn't be any overweight people left, right? But with more dietsand diet supplements available than ever before in history, thereare now more overweight people than ever before in history. How do you explain this paradox?
Here is the truth behind "the diet pill lie"...
some thermogenic supplements have science behind them - theycan work to some degree... however, none of them can work miracles.
Furthermore, since the ingredients ephedrine and caffeine are strong central nervous system stimulants, they also have many potential side effects and down sides.
"Jacking yourself up" on stimulants is NOT the healthy and natural (or permanent) way to fat loss.
Use caution if you use thermogenic products at all and never use them if you're sensitive to stimulants and/or have a history of heart disease, high blood pressure, thyroid disorders or any other medical problems. If you're not sure if ephedra or stimulant based products are safe for you, check with your doctor first.
What about non-simulant fat burners and "no-ephedra" formulas?Some of this new crop of dietpills that emerged after the ephedraban claim to "burn fat" by affecting insulin, thyroid or appetite.
Sounds good in theory, but so far, there's very little evidence that any of them are effective. Lots of hype, very little science.
Taking pills to lose weight is short term thinking. If there are benefits, they are minimal and they don't last. You can't fix a problem like body fat by temporarily treating symptoms, you have to address the causes of the problem: poor nutrition and lack of exercise.
There is a better, healthier way, and my recommendations come from experience.
Years ago, as a novice bodybuilder, I used ephedrine and ephedra products and noticed a very strong stimulant effect which "boosted" my workout energy.
However, that was not real energy... it was "borrowed energy" andthere was always a crash afterwards. What's borrowed must be paid back...what goes up must come down.
I also always believed that even thermogenic supplements with scientificsupport (such as the ephedrine, caffeine combination) were overrated as fat burners and underrated as stimulants.
This is probably why so many people got hooked on the stuff, and still search high and low to find it to this day, even after it has been "outlawed."
There's an interesting and ironic end to the story: Today, I STILL reach 4% body fat every time I compete - with no thermogenic or "fat burning" supplements whatsoever - just the right nutrition and training
I hear the same thing over and over again from my clients on theBurn The Fat program. They lose more fat than ever, often eating morethan they did before, while saving hundreds of dollars a month onpills they never needed in the first place.
By the way, did you know that proper food choices and foodcombinations are a better appetite suppressant than any drugor pill - without the side effects?
For example, lean proteins are not only highly thermogenic foods,(raising metabolic rate after a meal, during digestion), studieshave also proven that they are effective at blunting appetite.
By eating a serving of lean protein such as chicken, turkey, egg whites, tuna or lean red meat with every meal, at frequent intervals throughoutthe day, you stimulate your metabolism while decreasing hunger at the same time.
That's it for today...
In the next installment, you'll learn about two diseases that youmight be affected with and not even know it... they are deadlyto your fat loss progress and you have probably never even heard of them before!
To learn even more about natural ways to increase your metabolism and get rid of fat without pills or supplements, visit the Burn The Fat website: burnthefat.com
Train hard and expect success,
Tom Venuto
Burn The Fat Reader Mail & Feedback
"Tom, I have found the various articles both on the web and in print form to be mind-boggling, especially for a beginner like myself.
There is such a push on the supplements that they almost make it sound like goals and results cannot be achieved unless you indulge yourself in their products.
I just wanted to say Thank You for offering such a website. I have been searching a long time for such advice as that which you present here - advice that is DRUG-FREE. The natural way."
- Dave Goodrich
"Tom, Thanks for this info - it is very realistic without a lot of "hype? like, 'use my supplements they're the best'or 'use XYZ fat burner and get abs in 28 days! You're giving people a lot of information that I believe to be true and result producing."
- Larry Chmiel
"Tom, Thank you for creating an informational web site that is not trying to sell me a supplement"
-Aaron Van
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