Thursday, April 19, 2007


Fat Loss Lie #4:

:: Meal replacement products, powders, drinks and shakes help you to "burn" fat ::

You're probably familiar with the old die-ting concept of;

"Drink a shake for breakfast, drink a shake for lunch andthen eat a sensible dinner."

This may be one of the worst things you could ever do to your body and your metabolism.

Here's why:

First of all, such a regimen will probably leave you severelydeficient in calories, which will send your metabolism spiraling downward towards the starvation mode (not to mention that liquid protein diets can be dangerous).

Second, many of these products are poorly formulated and loadedwith junk such as refined sugar or corn syrup - which is the exact opposite of what you should eat on a fat loss program.

You would be shocked (even disgusted) if you looked at the "ingredientslist" of some of these drinks and shakes that are actually being passed off as fat loss or health food.

Third, even if your calorie intake is set at the correct level toburn fat without metabolic slowdown, it's important to realize that even well formulated drinks, shakes or meal replacement products do NOT contain any fat-burning or muscle-building properties that you cannot obtain from regular food.

In fact, real food is far superior than any powder, drink or meal replacement product because of the nutrients and fiber they contain and because of whole food's effect on metabolism.

The truth is that meal replacements are nothing more than "powdered food"(or "liquid food') and their primary benefit is simply convenience:

It's a challenge to eat frequently and to get enough high quality protein from whole foods, so quality protein powders or MRP’s are useful when you're in a hurry and you don't have time to eat whole food, but they're not better than food.

With the one possible exception of post-workout nutrition during muscle-building programs, eating real food is better than drinking shakes because the human gastrointestinal system has evolved to expect and efficiently digest whole food, not powders or pills.

In fact, the process of digesting solid food every three hours actually increases your metabolic rate.

This scientifically-proven process is known as the "thermic effect of food" or "dietary thermogenesis" and you can find referencesto this phenomenon in any good nutrition textbook.

According to the text, "Sports And Exercise Nutrition" By Katch, Katch & McArdle, the thermic effect of food can be responsiblefor as much as 10% of your total daily energy expenditure.

Furthermore, they reveal that there are two components ofthe thermic effect - one is obligatory thermogenesis, which results from the energy required to digest absorb and assimilatefood nutrients.

The second is facultative thermogeneis, which results fromsympathetic nervous system activation from food ingestion andits stimulating effect on metabolism.

What this means is that powders and liquids fail to fully take advantage of the metabolic boost that comes from real food.

It may sound counter-intuitive, but you could say that you can "burn fat with food."

Imagine eating (the right kinds of food) is like stoking a furnaceto keep your house warm. If you don't keep throwing slow-burningfuel into your stove - at frequent intervals - the fire dwindles,the temperature drops and you freeze your butt off.

That's how your metabolism works.

Eating fat-burning foods in small, frequent meals is like throwing logs on a fire which turns up your metabolic "burn rate" and creates more "metabolic heat."

The fat burning solution is to use real, whole food as much aspossible, to eat small frequent meals throughout the day, and use the meal replacements and protein powders only for convenience.

Combine these these food strategies with exercise, and you will turnyour metabolism into a food incinerating, fat burning furnace!

You'll learn more about thermogenesis in the next installmentof BIG FAT LIES, including the dark side of using "thermogenic"pills to elevate your metabolism artificially and unnaturally. Stay tuned for part 5...

Click HERE for more information on Burn The Fat

Train hard and expect success,

Tom Venuto


"Dear Tom: I was just about to do a search on the internet to find out the newest pill, powder or whatever to use to get into shape. That's when I stumbled on your website.

I ordered your e-book and have since read it. I can't Begin to tell you what a pleasure it has been to read. POWERFUL INFORMATION!

You've reached me on another level though besides fitness. Your research goes above and beyond just working out or the right kinds of food to eat. You try to get into people's heads.

When I read your book, I really felt connected for the first time. I have begun to study and set goals. I have my goal card filled out. I even printed out your last Newsletter on the "Excuse Buster." It was excellent. It really drives me.

I can appreciate your sense of integrity. I really hope that you can do something to reach the tens of millions of people that need you."

Ken Bateman


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