Thursday, June 07, 2007

Part 4 - An Exclusive Interview With Fat Loss Expert Tom Venuto By Tom Nicoli

Skyrocket Your Fat Loss Success!

Tom Nicoli: Yeah, mention those again, Tom. And please, everyone listening, write these down, because this is obviously the foundation.

Tom Venuto: Right, the foundation. Pillar number one is Strength Training. Weight lifting, in my opinion, is the best form of strength training, and I strongly recommend that every man and woman start a weight training program immediately. Don’t’ wait until after you’ve lost the fat - start now. But I do know a lot of people who start strength training with body weight exercises instead of barbells, dumbell,s or machines. I mean, if you a push-up, you are lifting your body weight…

Tom Nicoli: Sure.

Tom Venuto: There are various forms of strength training, but some form of strength training must be in the mix if you want to be successful, long-term. Without it, you’re going to lose muscle when you diet.

The second pillar is Cardio Training, which is also know as aerobic exercise, which could be walking, jogging, cycling, cardio machines, classes – whatever you enjoy.

The third pillar is Nutrition; and the fourth is Mental Training – addressing various issues on a subconscioius level, setting goals, looking at your value and belief systems, and becoming more aware of what you think about and dwell on mentally every day.

Now, once you have those four pillars in place, you’re going to start getting good results – guranteed. And that’s when you can fine-tune and start nitpicking and workingon specific details and using ‘little known secrets’ to take it to an even hight level. Some of the techniques in my program that aren’t so well known in the mainstream, are ways to accelerate fat loss by customizing your nutrition and training program. No two people are the same. There are different body types, different body structures, and there are different metaboic types.

I think one of the most important distinctions that you can make is to understand how well your body processes carbohydrates. In other words, are you car-tolerant or carb-intolerant? One of the big debates in nutrition today is still, “Should you do the low-carb diet, or do you do the high-carb diet, or somewhere in the middle?” Ultimately, the truth for most people will probably lie somewhere in the middle, with balance. “Balance” is just common sense in my book. But some people will undoubtedly do better with a little bit less carbohydrates; some people with a little bit more. So what I teach people is how to tweak and fine-tune your carbohydrate level to fit your body type and your metabolic type.

It’s really important to understand your body type. There’s an entire chapter in my book about how to figure ot your body type and how to tweak and fine-tune your nutrition program to fit your body type. Understanding that one size doesn’t fit all is very, very important.

Train hard and expect success,

Tom Venuto


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