Monday, June 11, 2007

Part 5 - An Exclusive Interview With Fat Loss Expert Tom Venuto By Tom Nicoli

Skyrocket Your Fat Loss Success!

Tom Nicoli: Now is that information difficult for people to understand and apply?

Tom Venuto: It’s very simple. You know, some people have complex nutrition systems where they talk about metabolic typing, and they may have you go and get blood tests, or you may have to fill out a complex questionnaire. Those things are fine and can be helpful, but what I do is much, much simpler.

What I recommend is to start with a baseline. This baseline consists of fundamentals that apply universally to almost everyone. Without these fundamentals in place, the fine tuning will have less impact on your results. Once you have your baseline in place, you can simply begin to systematically adjust your intake once variable at a time, things like grams of carbohydrates, for example, and by getting in a feedback loop, you can figure out exactly how your body processes and responds to food in a very, very short period of time.

So you start on the baseline plan. You follow the plan for seven days and then you measure. The way to measure is not just with the scale, but you measure body fat. You can do that with a variety of methods. The most common is the skinfold caliper. Then you’ll figure out how much of your weight is fat, how much is muscle, and you’ll see the difference over the previous week.

If you improve, then you don’t change anything. You just keep doing the same thing. You find what works. You do more of what works.

If a week goes by and you don’t improve, then you’re going to make an adjustment. You’ll tweak one of the nutrition or training variables that I explain in my program (such as your food type selections, your carb gram intake, your caloric intake, or the intensity, frequency, or duration of your cardio training). Then you continue for another week with your newly adjusted regimen and measure results again.

It’s primarily a matter of getting yourself into a feedback loop and adjusting your program base on your results. A lot of people tend to get caught up on a rigid system, following rules, and yet they’re not paying attention to their actual real world results. That’s really what it’s all about; the result you get.

Tom Nicoli: You know, I taught a class one night, which I do monthly for my clients. I have a lot of nurses that come to me, you know, wanting to stay healthy, being in the health field. And one of them mentioned the blood test that you were talking about and said it was very expensive. And yet, I don’t think that it really mattered because, after she got the results, she didn’t know what to do with them. And what you’re saying is that by just learning this information in your system and in your program, in your book, that people can do this in the privacy of their home. Quite frankly, it’s understandable that somepeople are embarassed to get all kinds of test, and they’d like to be able to do this on their own, because they don’t want to be embarassed with themselves. So there is an expedience factor there, and there’s a comfort zone in your system as well.

Now, Tom, when I was looking at your site, I noticed that Chad Tackett, who’s the President and CEO of, wrote, “Tom Venuto, in my opinion, is the leading, very best fitness expert and author of our time, and much of my and our clients’s success is due to his teachings. He and his fat loss system are on the cutting edge of science and don’t miss a nutritional tip, trick, secret, or strategy in achieving amazing results. What’s more, they are offered in an easy-to-understand and easy-to-follow format.”

That’s very impressive. But you know, Tom, honesty is the only key here, and honestly, I can say anything and you can say anything, and people expect us to say things like this, and a lot of people listening may expect somebody like Chad Tackett to say something like this. However, I also saw in the stacks of testimonials that I know you have, that there are some really, really impressive success stories. And I’d like to read a few of them because real people experiencing real results are what really matter.

Let’s face it: it doesn’t matter if somebody who has all the tools and all the appliances and all the fitness equipment available to them can make this happen. But I want to hear about people in real-life situations who have to get through their day.

Jerry McBride of Philadelphia, wrote, “When I started the program in September, I was 248 pounds with 24% body fat. With Tom’s information, I’ve been able to lose 43 pounds, all of it fat. My body fat is now 12%. I also no longe spend $400 a month on supplements.”

And another from Tracy Heptin, who said, “Thank God for yor program, because I’ve only been on it for just over a week and I’m already seeing results. I’m fitting into pants that I couldn’t get into seven days ago. It’s a wonderful thing to finally find something that works. How refreshing.”

And one more that I thought stood out, from Lynn Ramirez in California, “Burn The Fat, Feed the Muscle has changed my life. I have three dress sizes in four months and feel better than ever before, and I now have my husand on the program. If we can do it with four kids and full-time jobs, anyone can.”

Wow, that’s amazing. Not only did they get quick results, but they saved money to. No pills or drugs, which – as I spoke of in the FDA’s report - can cause physical harm and danger. But it’s also done with a busy schedule with four kids.

Train hard and expect success,

Tom Venuto


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